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In partnership with the Denver Economic Development & Opportunity (DEDO) and the Fax Partnership, Kelsey created and launched a business support office for more than 200 locally-owned businesses in the East Colfax community in Denver, located in the two most diverse Census Tracts in the United States.  


With a focus on anti-displacement and an understanding that a strong economy is a vital part of any thriving community, Kelsey led strategic planning discussions with local business owners, community nonprofit partners, policy makers and city officials that guard-railed against displacement, celebrated diversity, and boosted the economy.

Specifically, Kelsey’s community organizing efforts included:  

  • Designing, managing, and promoting a local business’ needs assessment via one-on-one interviews, focus groups, community meetings and a survey.

    • More than 70 businesses completed the survey, representing a 35 percent response rate.

    • Participants represented nearly 10 different languages spoken (e.g., Amharic, Spanish, Arabic and Burmese). 

  • Developing a comprehensive strategy informed by the needs assessment findings. High-level findings include: 

Finding #1: East Colfax is a unique, culturally vibrant and diverse neighborhood in Denver.

Finding #2:  Due to residential displacement, many business owners are concerned about and interested in exploring strategies for retaining and diversifying their customer base.

Finding #3: Three out of four local businesses who do not own their commercial property are either actively exploring options to purchase or are interested in learning more about how to purchase property.


Finding #4: East Colfax businesses (nearly 65%) have been operating for five years or less. The probability of survival increases with the age of a business, indicating these businesses are potentially vulnerable.


Finding #5: Business owners highly value building relationships with City staff including the police.

Strategies developed support the neighborhood's 2040 vision, to build an international district and maintain 75 percent local business ownership.



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